How To Check If Your Restaurant’s Website Is Mobile Friendly

Your restaurant’s website needs to be mobile friendly. More than half of all online internet traffic comes from mobile devices like phones, tablets and iPads. It’s as simple as this, if your restaurant’s website isn’t mobile friendly you’re losing money.

Most restaurant owners we come across are completely unaware that their website isn’t mobile friendly, they just assume their developer would have built that in. It’s usually outdated websites that are a couple years old who fail the mobile test.

Here’s the quickest and easiest way for you to check if your restaurant’s website is mobile friendly.

1. Go To Google’s “Mobile-Friendly Test” Tool

First, go to Google’s own Mobile-Friendly Test and enter your websites URL.

google test

Click “Analyze” and wait for your website to be analyzed by Google. Google is testing to see how your website will show up on mobile devices.

2. You Passed, Now What?

If you receive the message “Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly!” then you should be fine. It’s sometime worth checking all of the pages on your website, but chances are if your homepage is then all of them are.

Check out your website on your own mobile devices to see if it’s easy to navigate and if you can read the text without squinting or zooming in.

google pass test

3. You Failed, Now What?

Google is checking on several different things to determine whether or not your restaurant’s website is mobile friendly. Here are some common reasons websites fail the mobile test:

  • Text is too small to read
  • Mobile viewport is not set
  • Content is wider than the screen
  • Links are too close together

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to fix these problems:

(choose which option best suits your situation)


So, is your restaurant’s website mobile friendly?

If it’s not then it’s a guarantee that you are losing customers and money in your pocket. It can sometimes be a simple solution to fixing your website if it isn’t, however it could be worth it to take this time to completely remake your website and update it to today’s standards in web design.

Contact us know if you have any questions about mobile website design for your restaurant or if you need any help with your website. We’re happy to help!

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